guest book

Thursday, August 20, 2009

BaCk tO ScHooL AlreAdY !!!!

Can't believe school started already!! Summer Flew right on by. These are the Kiddo's first day of school pic's Aug.13, 2009. (didn't get any of Kylee, dang! she was w/ her mom that morn.) Wut some CuTe, CuTe... Kiddo'S, LuV TheM Baba's XoXo AsPen' s First day of School ..... 1St GrAde
In Her class room

Hunter's fiRsT DaY oF 7Th GrAde

ShE is Sooooo.... eXciTed to gO tO FirSt GrAde

Hunter on The way 2 The bus stop Early in The Morn. 6:30 aM

HaPPy 31st B-dAy AndY Baba !!!

HaPPy BiRtHdAy To mY hUbbY tOdAy !!!! ThiS Is mY All TiMe fAVoriTe Pic Of Him... i tooK it On mY Cell AbouT 3 Yrs. ago.. it's beeN My Screen saver On My PhonE Ever Since. He iS SuCh a Good LookiN GuY, i'm a LuCky ChiC :) WeLL HaPPy BirThDay Baba, i love U & Hope u Had a GrooVee Day!! XoXo