guest book

Thursday, December 4, 2008

"NeW FaMiLy PhOto'S"

We had Susan take our family photo's this year, they turned out great! Everyone was a good sport. My, time flys. It seems just like yesterday that we had our last photo's taken. The kido's look so big compared to last year, especially Hunter. Wow, he has gotten big. He is starting to look like a young mann, instead of my little hunter boy. Aspen just turned 6 in october & is growing tall, all of her pants are high waters compared to last year. Kylee will be 9 on December 20th. That is sicking too. She is maturing into a young lady also. Well yes, Andy & I getting older too! DANG!!! Thanks Susan for the Grovee photo's you took, we love them!!
" HAPPY HOLIDAYS " everyone, we love ya'll !!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"HaPPy BiRthDaY DaD"

What ? it's my birthday!!!
MaKe A wiSh Dad

aSpEn EaTs LiKe a Bird !
Grandma reen's story tellin hands!

Sam & Kristeen say Cheese

WOW!!! a metal detector, just what i wanted!!!!! YEAH..

Andy & i all filled up with food!!

Grandpa RON hosting triva @ his own birthday dinner..

& YOUR ANSWER is ??????

Lick those fingers HuNteR, smile kylee sue, Stetson 's belly is FULL!!!!!

My dad Ronald lane Staples, turned 68 on november 18. we all met at paul's to eat for his birthday this year. it was really fun. my dad is such an awesome man. i love him very much. i am his youngest of 6 children. he has been a great dad to me always. i idolize him for his unconditional love that he has for all of his kids. he is such a awesome influence in hunter's life. hunter looks up to grandpa ron & wants to grow up & be just like him! i hope he does & i will have no worries!!! i love you dad & happy birthday & many more to come!