guest book

Monday, February 23, 2009

" LaDieS NiGhT @ the RoAd HoUsE "

wE hAd a GrOOvee GiRlS nIgHt @ tHe TeXaS RoAd HoUsE!!!! it was fun to get together with KaYsHa, KeRRa, SaRa, AmandA, MaleA, & ParXs Baba..... thanks girlies for the fun!!!

KaYsHa Baba & Me !!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"NeW BaBy JaXsen"

JaXsen Samuel Staples 2 days old.. cute new addition 4 sam & kristine!!!

BaBy JaXsen CoMeS HoMe ToDaY!!!

"CoNgRaTs SaM & KriStiNe"
JaXsen Samuel Staples
Feb.20,2009 4:09am 8lbs 19 inches

" My NeW Nephew JaXsen "

" ConGrats On New Baby Boy, JaXsen Samuel Staples "
we r so happy for my brother sam & his wife kristine on their first baby.
he was born friday feb. 20, 2009 @ 4:09am. he was 8lbs.exact & 19 inches long.
photo's to come soon!! we luv you all & r soo excited 2 have him in our family, he is soo.. STINKIN cute. :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

"happy valentines day" !!

Webfetti.comHappy "v" day Andy boy & my kido's. I luv u all. thanks 4 the special cards u all made me & the pretty pink heart diamond ring andy, i luv it! u r a great husband. i luv u always, luv misty baba

Sunday, February 15, 2009

" Fun VaLenTineS WeeKeNd "

we had a fun night. first we made sugar cookies(the girls & I) then we got heart shaped pizza & breadsticks 4 dinner. then the big wrestling & ufc match down in the t.v. room. it was great!! i videoed & took photo's of the fun. the girls pretty much stayed out of it. it was kinda rough. but andy sure had fun. Woweee. i can only imagine havin 8 kid's.. lot's of fun & lot's of food...... gladd they all came over. more 2 come.. i'm sure We had an awesome heart day! Andy, Hunter, Hagen & Austin

we had a total of 8 kids for a slumber party & wrestling match, as u can c...

andy was in his second child hood, down in the tv room havin a blast with the boys, & got his first bloody nose in 30 years!!

Hunter & andy gettin after the match...

Stetson, u took him down..good job! Go Hagen, get him SUPERMAN style!

H-bomb & andy boy gettin after it, ufc style..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

" OuR AnniVeRsary @ Zion "

HaPPy 4th AnNiVeRsArY !!!

andy & i celebrated our 4th anniversary today Feb. 12th, 2009.
we went 2 desert pearl in zion over the weekend, took our bikes, & had an awesome time!! we went back in dec. 4 my b-day but it was too cold to bike so this time we were excited to ride. it was cold & rainy, but turned out way fun. we stayed fri. till sunday. this was the first time we got a ( suite) " sweet " room. & was it SWEET!!! it had the most awesome bathroom you ever seen, with the huge tub & all. EVEN a Biday!!! that is 4 all the foreighn folks who visit zion, i guess. anyways, we had a AWSOME time alone up there. wut a sight me on the rode bike, & andy boy on his mountain bike(he will never wear those tight biker clothes, but trust me he wanted shorts with a padd in them after we were done. his buns were on FIRE!!! Hee,Hee) well happy anniversary andy boy. i love you always, & i had a ton of fun. & oh yeah, thank U for the beautiful dozen RED Roses U sent to me at work 2day, i love them & the balloon. luv u baba!!!