guest book

Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 YeaRs OLd AlReaDy

Kylee turned 10 yrs old on Dec.20 th.  This year she wanted to have a slumber party w/ just a few friends & have me make her favorite soup( Broc. cheese ) & Butterfinger cake. She wanted to go hiking on the DIXIE hill the next morn. with all the girls. Andy was happy to take a truck full of girls to the Narrows to hike. They had a Blast.  HaPPy B~Day  Kylee !! We Love you GiRL.  XoXo

KyLee's 10th B~day

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

FaMiLy PiC's NoV.09

We had our family pic's taken last week. Jamie Martin who took them did an Amazing job. She also took lots of fun PreGo Pic's for Drew's baby Book. We had a good time doing them. Andy was such a good sport with these pic's of the Baby Belly, he seemed soo.. happy that day & got totally involved. He is way Excited to be getting his Boy Drew! The Kiddo's did awesome too, even tho Hunter had a 102 fever that day & had to go to the instacare right after pictures, to find out he had H1N1 Flu & missed this past week of school. :( poor kid. Kylee & Aspen were all for getting pictures taken too, they really get into it!! LOL :) We are all soo excited for our new Baby to get here..... can't hardly wait!!!!

The Family

The Baby Bump

The Belly

The FaMily '09

Our Baby Boy Drew

Proud Daddy Andy

Just us two

The Moma Misty

Love You !!

Hunter Boy

Kylee Sue

The Good Lookin Men

Aspen Louy

Sooo...FuNNy AnDy Bayba

The Cute Sista's 3'S Company

Him & I

The Happy Family

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ANdY's DeeR Oct.09

Another great pic of AnDy'S Big BuCk !!!
OctObEr 09' Rifle HunT
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Saturday, October 17, 2009

AndY's Big BuCk DeeR

Andy Baba Got This Big Buck this opening morning today, on the Rifle Deer Hunt !!! ConGratS Baba...

26 inches Wide 4 x 5

Thursday, August 20, 2009

BaCk tO ScHooL AlreAdY !!!!

Can't believe school started already!! Summer Flew right on by. These are the Kiddo's first day of school pic's Aug.13, 2009. (didn't get any of Kylee, dang! she was w/ her mom that morn.) Wut some CuTe, CuTe... Kiddo'S, LuV TheM Baba's XoXo AsPen' s First day of School ..... 1St GrAde
In Her class room

Hunter's fiRsT DaY oF 7Th GrAde

ShE is Sooooo.... eXciTed to gO tO FirSt GrAde

Hunter on The way 2 The bus stop Early in The Morn. 6:30 aM

HaPPy 31st B-dAy AndY Baba !!!

HaPPy BiRtHdAy To mY hUbbY tOdAy !!!! ThiS Is mY All TiMe fAVoriTe Pic Of Him... i tooK it On mY Cell AbouT 3 Yrs. ago.. it's beeN My Screen saver On My PhonE Ever Since. He iS SuCh a Good LookiN GuY, i'm a LuCky ChiC :) WeLL HaPPy BirThDay Baba, i love U & Hope u Had a GrooVee Day!! XoXo

Thursday, July 23, 2009

We aRe HaVinG a BoY !!!

it's OFFICIAL, we are having a baby BOY !!
Thanks 2 Pam @ Prenatal Treasures we found out
today. Andy boy is on CLOUD 9.. & Are kids are thrilled,
especially HUNTER..
Can't wait 4 our new Baby Drew Sorensen.. XoXo

Friday, June 26, 2009

GranDpa RoN's HeaRt SurGery

My Dad, "Grandpa Ron" is having Heart Surgery Right Now at LDS Hospital. Last week he went into a routine Doctors Appointment & his Heart Rate was way too high. It was beating up to 204 beats per. Minute. They immediately admitted him into the Hospital right then. They did an Angagram & found that he wouldn't need Open Heart Surgery, but all his Electrical Charges going to his Heart were off & making his Heart rate way to fast. Doctor Price told him he needed it fixed A.S.A.P. They made the decision to send him to LDS Hospital to the Heart Center. So here we are today. They took him at 7:30Am & said it would be 4 to 6 hours. We are Praying all go's well. I will update as soon as we know more. We LOVE You Dad.... XoXo (These Pic's are from his B-day Dinner last November)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"I cAn't BeLiVe iT's Been 12 YeAr'S"

Happy Birthday HUNTER...

i can't believe it's been 12 years already since Hunter was born,
on June 23,1997

He has grown up soo.. fast,

he went from being a LiL' boy 2

a young mann in a blink of an


i am Soo.. proud of Him,

he is Amazing at all that he does,

& is Extremely Talented.

Hunter enjoys the outdoors
& loves Hunting & Fly Fishing,
Baseball, swimming, running,
Target Bow shooting,Skeet shooting,
Camping,Motor Cycling,& Being a Cowboy!!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

hUnTeR's @ tHe FlAMiNg GoRgE fOr 5 wEEks

Hunter went to the Flaming Gorge on May 28th with his grandparents,(G.P. & Trishy Larson) for a 5 week Fly Fishing Tripp. He is having a blast. He is in any boys dream up there. He has tied his own Flies & is becoming a pro at the Fly pole.(This isn't his first Fly Fishing Rodeo Tho, He's been for the last few years w/ his dad for only a week @ a time). He has been able to see a ton of wild life while site seeing & has taken these pic's from his phone & sent them to me. We miss him a ton, & can't wait till he is home. But i know he is having the time of his life, & is happy his grandparents has given him this opportunity. We LOVE U H-BOMB... Have a safe tripp & Keep the pic's coming... LUV U to REESES PIECES XoXo

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