guest book

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HaPPy St.PaTTy'S DaY

DreW iS 9 WeeKs & 5 DaYs OlD ToDaY!  He iS GrOWinG Soo FaSt, iT's SaDD. He HaS tHe CuTesT PeRsOnaLiTy. He iS FuLL Of BIG SMiLEs & LoTs Of CUTE giGGles & LaUghs.  :)
HaPPy St.PaTTy'S DaY!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

DreW's 2 WeeK oLd Pic'S

Drew did so good getting his pic's taken for the first time at 2 weeks old. It took 2 hours, he was such a trooper. He slept most of the time & only pee'ed on me twice :)  My friend Jamie took them. She was the one who took our family & prego Pic's back in November, she does such an awesome job!   He's such a cute BOY!!  It was Andy's idea to buy the TONKA TRUCK & put him in it. We were going to put him on the RHINO but it was way too cold outside for that. The TONKA one's turned out soo cute, glad Andy came up with the idea.