guest book

Saturday, October 23, 2010

FinaLLy A POST !! Drew's 3 Month PiC'S

Drew did so good in his 3 month old pic's! He was such a trooper to let us put him in that sand bucket. It has been so much fun watching him grow. He has the cutest personality. We just Luv OUR Drew babY !!  xoxox

Monday, August 2, 2010

~TiMe Flys When Your Having Fun~ !!

 Drew will ALREADY be 7 months old on the 8Th of this month! Wow, the time has really flown by the last few months since  went back to work in April. I haven't been very good at posting, so I'm gonna get some pic's of him up soon. I'll start with his 3 month old pic's. I just had his 6 month pic's taken last week, so I better get started on some posts of him. 
 We have done alot of fun stuff this summer, so I will be putting those posts up too!! 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HaPPy St.PaTTy'S DaY

DreW iS 9 WeeKs & 5 DaYs OlD ToDaY!  He iS GrOWinG Soo FaSt, iT's SaDD. He HaS tHe CuTesT PeRsOnaLiTy. He iS FuLL Of BIG SMiLEs & LoTs Of CUTE giGGles & LaUghs.  :)
HaPPy St.PaTTy'S DaY!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

DreW's 2 WeeK oLd Pic'S

Drew did so good getting his pic's taken for the first time at 2 weeks old. It took 2 hours, he was such a trooper. He slept most of the time & only pee'ed on me twice :)  My friend Jamie took them. She was the one who took our family & prego Pic's back in November, she does such an awesome job!   He's such a cute BOY!!  It was Andy's idea to buy the TONKA TRUCK & put him in it. We were going to put him on the RHINO but it was way too cold outside for that. The TONKA one's turned out soo cute, glad Andy came up with the idea.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

HaPPy 5 YeaR AnniVeRsarY

Andy & I had our 5th yr. anniversary on February 12, 2010. I can't believe it's already been 5 yrs. Alot has happened in those short 5 yrs. We now have our new baby boy together & he seems to make our family complete. I can't imagine it any other way. We couldn't be more blessed to have such a happy, healthy family. We were married at My in laws house in diamond valley on a Saturday. That night after our wedding we went to Zion's & stayed at the Desert Pearl Inn. It was so much fun. We sat in the outdoor hot tub in the rain. We have made it a trip up there on our anniversary ever since. It is so beautiful & peaceful by the river where our room is. We are heading up to Zion's this Saturday Morning to go celebrate our anniversary.
I'm posting our engagement photo with this post. Wow.. we look young!!!!  We were kinda cute back then...  LOL :)  Love you Andy Boy, & to many more great & happy years together! XoXo

Saturday, February 6, 2010

~dReW's FaN cLuB~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

OuR LiL' BrO

Hunter, Kylee & Aspen couldn't be more excited to have their new BabY Brother DreW Here Finally!! These pic's were the first day they met him. It was love at first sight for all of them. They are all such good helpers with him, & even keep track of who held him last, to make sure they don't miss a turn !!  Luv these kiddo's XoXo

Sunday, January 24, 2010

DreW iS FinaLLy Here!!!

Drew Lane Sorensen finally arrived to our family on Jan. 8, 2010 at 4:29pm. Weighing 7 lbs 5 oz & 19.25 in long. We couldn't be more happy. He is such a blessing & we are so thankful we got him here safe & sound. We had a few scary & emotional moments throughout my pregnancy & delivery, so we are glad to have our baby boy with us finally!! Doctor LUNT is such an awesome Doc & made sure that he did everything he could to get us our boy here safe.We love him & all of his awesome nurses!  He is such a good spirited baby & hardly ever cries. We are TRULY blessed!  Our kids are way excited to have a new baby brother....  they all love him & even fight over holding him :)  Andy is definitely in love with his boy & is such a great helper with diapers & all.