guest book

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

AsPeN's FiRsT dAy Of KiNdErGaRdEn

aspen's first day of kindergarden went great, but i was sadd. she is my youngest, & i feel like time is flying by sooo fast. you would of thought it was christmas or somthing, cause all three kids had a hard time going to bed the night before school started, & couldn't go 2 sleep. they were so excited & ready 4 school 2 start. aspen really was more excited 2 ride the school bus more than anything. the first day i drove her though. we went on a treasure hunt with her teacher that morning. she had a great first day, & got 2 ride the bus the next morning. she is going 2 little valley elem this year, so she can still go 2 michelle's while i'm @ work. she has lots of friends @ michelle's that go 2 school with her so it works out great! we love you aspen & hope you have a great year in kindergarden!!!!!! :) i'M sOoO.... eXcItEd 2 Go 2 KiNdErGaRdEn !! (she couldn't sleep, like it was christmas or somthing!)
aNd Of CoUrSe, AsPeN hAd 2 GeT mY pHoTo LiKe iT wAs My FiRsT dAy ToO!!!!

oUr SeLf TaKeN PhOtO @ tHe ScHoOl 2-GeThEr. (nice cold sore, mom :)

tHiS iS mY sChOoL. LiTtLe VaLlEy EleM.

gOiNg On A tReAsUrE hUnT !

mEeT mY tEaChEr, MrS. sMiTh

ChEcK oUt My GrOvEe NeW bAcK pAcK

StRiKe A pOsE bIg GiRl !

AsPeN ALL rEaDY 4 FiRsT daY oF sChOoL

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